About Me

Since 2018, I’ve been passionate about multidisciplinary design, working across GameDev, Agritech, EdTech, FitTech, and Healthcare. My diverse experience allows me to swiftly tackle new challenges and speed up the design process, ensuring that solutions are both visually appealing and effective.

Linear Background

People often ask what makes me a good designer. I usually joke that my superpower is OCD – but what I really mean is that I have an obsessive eye for detail.

For me, each new project is like embarking on an exciting adventure. I get a kick out of meeting new people and swapping stories about everything from design and coding to marketing strategies. And don't even get me started on music or CrossFit – I'm a huge fan!

Funny enough, my degree isn't actually in design — I'm an interpreter and a teacher. But over the years, I've come to realize just how valuable my diverse background has been throughout my career. What could be harder than managing kids? Kidding. I've found a knack for teaching others, and I genuinely enjoy doing it. It's not just a massive energy boost but also a cool way to gauge my professional growth and capabilities.


UX/UI Design & Product Strategy

  • End-to-end UX/UI Design

  • Complex Cross-platform Solutions (Web + Mobile)

  • Mobile Apps Design (iOS + Android)

  • User Flow Optimization & Interaction Design

  • Prototypes & Micro-interactions

  • Interface Design for Specialized Hardware (Smart Mirrors, TV, IoT)

  • UX Testing & Research

Marketing Design & Product Ecosystem

Creative Direction & 

  • App Store & Play Market Optimization (Icons, Screenshots)

  • Email Marketing Design

  • Data Visualization

  • Pitch Deck & Presentation Design

  • Social Media & Content Strategy

  • Visual Identity Development